Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
-The history of Colombia, including politcs, conlicts, and armed combat.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez's profile. Includes his political views, books, journalism, and his early days.
"The Necessity of the Literary Tradition: Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude"
James C. Jupp : English Journal: Vol. 89, no. 3, Our History, Our Selves Jan. 2000
-"The 'magic' in magical realismrefers to the mythic narrative voice that tells of Creation, wandering gypsies, magicians, flying carpets, the plague of insomnia and forgetting, a great flood, and the apocalypse." (James C. Jupp)
James C. Jupp reflects on magical realism as not necessarily being magical, but just helping to set the tone of the underlying notions in One Hundred Years of Solitude. This would mean the emotional aspects and possibly the ties to Columbia are more precedent. It indicates that it is not "magical" but, like the Bible, is used to express the meaning of the characters and the story line.
New American Bible: St. Joseph Edition
Catholic Book Publishing Co. New York
-The Old Testament features the Ten plagues by Moses while in Egypt. These plagues can be compared to the plagues and other events that occurred in One Hundred Years of Solitude. The situations around each are analyzed and contrasted.
Johnson, Ian. "Lecture on 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'" May 1999
Google Search. Liberal Studies 402.
-"A good deal of this quality comes from the style, the "magic realism," which strikes at our traditional sense of naturalistic fiction. There is something clearly magical about the world of Macondo; it is a state of mind as much as, or even more than, a real geographical place." (Ian Johnson).
Johnson says that Macondo, although possibly a real place, is more of a thought or state of mind. He indicates then that the ties to Columbia are not central but may be just a side notion. With that said, the Biblical comparisons to the magical events that occur in One Hundred Years of Solitude may not be justified.
My other reflection (da one fat boy can criticize)
Monday, March 19, 2007
the rest of it
Aurieliano Segundo marries Fernanda del Carpio, but goes back to Petra Cotes because sex with Fernanda sucks. The upbringing of Fernanda is also given, which we now know that she is destined be queen. They end up having two children, Jose Arcadio III and Renanta Remedios. Aurieliano's 17 sons return to Macondo. On Ash Wednesday, they all get the mark of Christ, but it doesn't come off. All leave except for Aurieliano Triste, who starts an ice factory. Eventually, his half brother Aurieliano Centeno works with him. Centeno accidentally makes my favorite desert, SHERBERT!!!
"One day you will be queen." Fernanda being spoken to by her mother. She is destined to be queen because of her familys line of eloquence.
"She's still alive!" Ursula realizing the woman who raised a pistol to Aurieliano Triste was Rebeca.
Character Development
Fernanda is brought up to believe that she will be queen. Petra Cotes shows some dominance over Aurieliano Segundo, as he returns to her when he is having no fun with Fernanda. Ursula shows she is still the matriarch by getting all of Aurielianos sons baptized.
SEX. Past and present. AS is having lots in the present, while Aurieliano's sex in the past brought him 17 sons. The new generation is beginning to take over while the old is started to fade.
Magical Realism
- Petra Coats and her fertility with the animals.
- The ash not coming off the 17 sons.
Ch. 12
Mr. Herbert and Mr. Jack Brown start a banana plantation when the trains begin coming through Macondo. They also bring along black workers. A foreigner sees Remedios the beauty naked, and then dies. He falls from the top of a roof. Remedios the Beauty, who is becoming more weird and distant from her family, eventually ascends away to heaven (supposedly). Aurieliano gets sick of the white people being in Macondo, so he decides to use force. He gives guns to his sons, who all get killed except for one (Aurieliano Amador). Writes angry letters to president, but is not considered. Gets angry at the priest who marked his sons, because he felt he made them easy targets.
"I just wanted to see you." A foreigner to Remedios the Beauty, but then he falls and cracks his head and dies when he sees her naked.
"I'm going to arm my boys so we can get rid of these shitty gringos!" Aurieliano, exclaiming he is gonna go to war with Mr. Brown and Mr. Herbert with his sons.
Character Development
Remedios the Beauty is not developing, but ASCENDING!!! Aurieliano hasn't changed either, as he still likes to go to war. The story also likes to have everyone die except Aurieliano.
Heaven vs. Hell: Remedios the Beauty ascends into heaven, but her stay on earth would point that she should be going to hell. Repitition: war and armed conflict seem to plague Aurieliano and Macondo. Also the fact that his people (this time 16 sons) are always dying while he lives.
Magical Realism
- Ghost of Jose Arcadio Buendia appears under the chestnut tree.
- Remedios the Beauty ascending into heaven.
- People dying because of Remedios immense beauty.
Ch. 13
Jose Arcadio is sent off to the seminary. Meme is also sent off to learn to play the clavichord. Aurieliano Segundo starts to live with Petra Cotes again because Fernanda is too strict. Doesn't even let AS brother into the house when he starts working for the banana plantation. When AS returns to Petra Cotes, he starts having that good sex and soon the animals start multiplying alot faster, so they become alot richer. Colonel Aurieliano dies when a circus passes. He then pees on the chestnut tree where his deceased father was tied and then dies.
"Rebeca.... how unfair we've been to you!" Ursula shouting out how she feels Rebeca was the strong one of the family that she always wanted.
"Thats all we need.... A Pope!" Aurieliano exclaimed when Jose Arcadio went off to seminary school.
Character Development
Fernanda is becoming the new Ursula. The Segundo brothers are becoming like the 1st Jose Arcadio and Aurieliano.
The old generation is withering with the death of C. Aurieliano, while Amaranta and Ursula are at the edge. Another is repitition. The new generation is resembling the old generation.
Magical Realism
- C. Aurieliano mysteriously dying when he pees on a chestnut tree.
- Petra Cotes and her ability to make animals fertile.
- Ursula and her ability to understand, like a clairvoyant.
Ch. 14
Meme stops playing her clavichord after the death of Amaranta. She is a partier, opposite of Fernanda and Amaranta. After one drunken night, AS starts to take care of Meme more often. Fernanda was busy with the sick Amaranta Ursula, the daughter of her and AS. Amaranta before her death weaved a shroud. She announced she would be dying, so people started giving her notes to take to the other side. She proclaimed her virginity, which pissed off Fernanda. Meme starts to mess around with a guy named Mauricio Babilonia who works with the banana plantation. Fernanda finds out, and gets him shot and killed.
"I was only now discovering how much I loved u both." Meme speaking to Fernanda and Amaranta, then later that night she awoke with mind-splitting headaches. The consequence of boozeing it up.
"Amaranta Buendia is leaving the world just as she came into it." Ursula telling everybody that Amaranta is dying a virgin, which we all know is load of bull.
Character Development
Meme is different from the other women of the house. She is more outgoing and not restricted by rules or ethics to a degree. Amaranta, about to die, still tells people that she is a virgin. Fernanda is becoming a more dominant figure, proof being her getting Mauricio killed. AS develops into a father figure, when he starts caring for his daughter.
Family ties: AS shows love for his daughter, while Amaranta does wish that she could change the past concerning Pietro Crespi and Rebeca. Another theme would death, concerning Amaranta, the mourning of C. Aurieliano, and Mauricio.
Magical Realism
- Death talking to Amaranta.
- The invisible doctors that would heal Fernanda.
Ch. 15
Meme has a child, but only her and Fernanda know that its hers. Meme is sent away without the baby and is never heard from again. The baby is named Aurieliano, something Fernanda did not want. Jose Arcadio Segundo organizes strikes. Wins one, that the workers dont have to work on Sundays. He organizes more and more, until the army is sent in. They flee to the jungle, but come back to Macondo when they hear that an arbitration meeting will be held. When they arrive, they are killed. JAS is the only survivor. Government lies about the massacre.
"Let's go Renata." Fernanda speaking to Meme, which she takes her to a place away from everybody because of her having a child.
"That's all we need.... An anarchist in the family." Fernanda talking about JAS and him getting the banana workers to go onm strike.
Character Development
JAS is becoming the new C. Aurieliano because of all his strikes that he caused. Also, he seems to have this inabilit to be killed by anybody, just like the Colonel. Fernanda continues to have her way, sending off Meme. But did not like the baby being named Aurieliano
Repitition. C. Aurieliano is being relived within JAS, as well as Ursula being continued on through Fernanda. Conflict. There is always conflict in Macondo, the latest being the banana plantation versus its workers.
Magical Realism
- JAS being protected by the magic in Melquiades room.
- JAS ability not to be killed.
Ch. 16
Rains for 4 years, 11 months, and 2 days. Ursula proclaims she will die when it ends. AS becomes consumed with a dictionary in Memes room. Forgets about his other duties, but eventually comes to his sense. Realizes everyone is getting old. Learns that the hidden gold wont be found until 3 years after it stops raining. Ursula loses her mind. Macondo is nearly destroyed because of the rain.
"I'm only waiting for the rain to stop in order to die." Ursula, proclaiming when she will die.
"It can't rain for the rest of our lives." AS speaking to Fernanda, telling when he will handle the business of food and the animals.
Character Development
Everbody is getting old: AS, Ursula (extremely old), Fernanda, Petra. Ursula is ready to die, loses her mind. AS is concerned with stuff other than his livlihood. Fernanda nags the hell out of him, until he throws a fit. He does then fulfill his duties soon after.
Repitition: the plague of rain is like the plague of forgetfulness, with new people who are being affected by it.
Magical Realism
- 4 year rain
- The fortune telling of the hidden gold.
Ch. 17
Ursula is somehow rejuvenated. She begins to clean the house and get rid of all the insects and parasites. Finds Jose Arcadio Segundo in Melquiades room. Ursula hears from Jose Arcadio that he will be returning before taking his final vows in Rome. This gives her more energy. But she eventually dies on Good Friday. JAS and AS die at the same time. AS while in bed with Fernanda and JAS while teaching little Aurieliano the parchments. The gypsies return.
"Time passes." JAS to Ursula, when she finds him in Melquiades room reading the parchments.
"I'm talking!" Ursula to Amaranta Ursula and Aurieliano, but they cant hear because she is dead and Ursula doent even realize it.
Character Development
AS falls in love with Petra, who also falls in love with him in their ripe age. Ursula dies. JAS is lost in the parchments, but does teach Aurieliano how to read, write, and the parchments.Amaranta Ursula becomes a good person, no prejudices and is attractive. Fernanda kind of hates AS.
The end is coming. AS and JAS die, Ursula dies, Rebeca dies. All that is left is the two lil ones, Fernanda, Santa de la Sofia, and Jose Arcadio III.
Magical Realism
- The birds dying and flying in to walls.
- Ursula getting to be the size of a fetus.
- Her soul lingering after death.
- JAS and AS dying at the same time.
- The killing of a weird creature that bled green stuff.
Ch. 18
Aurieliano begins to decipher the parchments. Jose Arcadio III returns. Fernanda dies. Two kids try to destroy the parchments, but a mystical force lifts them up until Aurie returns. He finds the gold, and starts to live lavishly. Kicks out the kids who would bathe him and who found the gold. Aurieliano Amador returns, but no one knows him, so he is sent away. He is then shot and killed. J III is then drowned by the kids he kicked out, who then steal the gold.
"So... You're the bastard." J III speaking to Aurieliano, whom he knows is an illegitamte child.
"I have nothing to do outside." Aurie to J III, when J III tells him he has permission to go outside.
Character Development
Aurieliano is obsessed with the parchments. J III is obsessed with the money and remembering Amaranta. He is also an ass. Aurie does develop "love" for him, but realizes it only after Jose is dead. Petra sends basket of food to Fernanda and the house, first out of humiliation, then out of love.
Repitition: Aurieliano is like every other Buendia male, obsessed with the parchments. J III also represents the other half of Buendia males, who endure hardships, then find pleasure, then die a weird death.
Magical Realism
- The mystical force that held the two kids.
- Melquiades in the room, but begins to fade away.
- The glow of the gold.
Ch. 19
Amaranta Ursula returns to Macondo. She brings along Gaston, her husband, an intelligent man who talks to Aurieliano. Aurieliano falls for AU, but does not understand what is happening to him. He starts to sleep with Nigromanta, but is still haunted by the happiness of Gas and AU. Aurie the makes 4 new friends, who argue with each other about different things. Eventually, Aurie proclaims his love for AU, which she denies him and tell him she is leaving. They eventually have sex when Pilar tells Aurie to go to her.
"it's obvious there is no woman in this house!" Amaranta Ursula, when she arrives at the house and it is dusty and dirty.
"Everything is known." Aurieliano's response to Gaston when Gaston asked him how he knew of the corners of the earth, even though Aurie never traveled there.
Character Development
Aurie is still obsessed with the parchments but not as much. He has interests in the ladies as well as conversing with some friends. AU is just a free spirit, nothing seems ot bring her down. Gaston is an intelligent man whom Aurieliano eventually dislikes because of his theory about him.
Incest. AU and Aurie do the nasty.
Magical Realism
- The parchments and their deciphering.
- Aurielianos knowledge about the world.
Ch. 20
Pilar dies, which leads to people leaving Macondo. The only people who are happy are AU and Aurieliano. AU becomes pregnant. She is worried something bad will happen. They try to find out if they are related but no records show that they are. AU dies giving birth to the last Aurieliano, which is born with a pigs tail. Baby Aurieliano dies when he is carried off by the red antz. Aurieliano does nothing because of the loss of AU. Aurieliano is able to decipher and read the parchments, which he discovers is the story and family history of the Buendias. Aurie learns that AU is his aunt. The last line of the parchment says Macondo will be forgotten and destroyed by a cyclone, which Aurieliano notices.
"You don't believe it either." Aurie speaking to the priest about Colonel Aurieliano Buendia. He is but a myth.
"We'll name him Rodrigo." AU telling Aurie what the name of the baby is gonna be. Aurie denys her and says his name is gonna be Aurielaino and that he is gonna win 32 wars.
Character Development
AU and Aurie are deeply in love. Whe she dies, Aurie becomes depressed and barely notices when his new born baby is taken away by red ants.
The end. Last chapter, all is coming to an end, even the city Macondo. The Buendia line ends with Aurie. Incest: AU and Aurie have a pig tailed child. Repitition. The family started with incest, and ended with incest.
Magical Realism
- The parchments knowing all.
- The random ass cyclone.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
7-10 active reading
The war ends in May. Colonel Aurieliano is captured with the Colonel Marquez. He is brought back to Macondo, where his mother goes to see him in jail. He gives her his poems and love notes to burn away. He recalls countless times when he just missed death, one time being someone slept in his bed and an assassin killed that person while C. Aurieliano was elsewhere. C. Aurie asks to be killed in Macondo. While in macondo, his brother Jose Arcadio sees them and rescues C. Aurieliano. Jose Arcadio is later mysteriously killed, and Rebecca doesn't know who did it. Trail of blood leads Ursula to the where J.A. was dead with no wound or bruise on his body.
"I ask that the sentenance be carried out in Macondo." Colonel Aurieliano's last wish, which ends up leading to his freedom. Good call by him.
"Marry him," Ursula talking to Amaranta about Colonel Gerinaldo Marquez.
War. As soon as the war ends, it begins right back up again when Jose Arcadio rescues Auieliano from execution. Another theme would be reoccurence, meaning war, Aurieliano surviving again, and Amaranta once again rejecting a man's love for unheard of reasons.
Character Development
Amaranta is still the same ol crow. Aurieliano realizes he is fighting for pride, not the best reason because it seems very selfish of him. Ursula is still a main-stay and powerful figure, getting Marquez to fall for Amaranta. After Jose Arcadio's death, Rebecca just fades away.
Magical Realism
- Blood trail to Ursula.
- Aurieliano sending a letter about his father dying.
- Aurieliano ability not to die.
- Jose Arcadio Buendia still talking to Prudencio .
Ch. 8
Aurieliano Jose, Pilar Ternera and C. Aurieliano's son, start to have sexual relations with Amaranta, his aunt. They go mad for each other, hiding their secret love. Aurieliano Jose eventually leaves with his father. Ursula begins a mourning period when she believes he is dead. But when she finds out he is alive, its not the best new because he has joined some federalists to take down the conservatives. This does not make Ursula happy. When AJ comes back, he intends to marry Amaranta, but she doesn't want any of that. She refuses him and begins to barr her door to keep him out of her bedroom. Eventually, their lust burned out. C. Aurieliano's 17 sons came to Ursula to get baptized. AJ gets shots in the back and is killed.C. Aurieliano returns, but invades Macondo. Is basically at war with Ursula. C. Aurieliano has the firing squad kill his friend Jose Raquel Moncada.
"You're a man now." Amaranta to her nephew Aurieliano Jose, who shes has a sexual relationship with.
"Go to hell, friend." Jose Rafael to C. Aurieliano, right before he receives the firing squad.
Character Development
C. Aurieliano gets taller, skinnier, and paler, losing himself and what made him a hero. He is now no better than the conservatives. Ursula is still the same. Amaranta doesn't want AJ any more, barring her door. AJ has become like a Jose Arcadio, a giant brute.
Magical Realism
- AJ's death, when the gypsies cards showed someone will die. Someone did, then 4 hours later AJ was shot.
- Aurieliano's seventeen sons all having his same coldness. Only two of them had his "abilities."
Ch. 9
Marquez is bored with the war. Still is trying to persuade Amaranta, who still rejects him. When C. Aurieliano returns, he is different, with no escort or that type of invasion. He doesn't even really care about the war, that he just wants power. Condemns Marquez to death, Ursula threatens to kill him. Aurieliano snaps out of it, frees Marquez, and decides to end the war. He then mopes around Macondo for awhile, no memories because the war has wiped them out. He then signs the treaty papers and surrenders 72 gold bricks. He then shoots himself afterward. But he was unable to kill himself, then is proclaimed a hero. He almost starts up the war again, but doesn't, and returns to his rocking chair. The house is then rejuvenated.
"Take them to the whores." C. Aurieliano, saying about the lawyers who came to talk about the stalemate in the war. He basically shooed off something important.
"that all we're fighting for is power." C. Aurieliano accepting the fact that it is no longer between Liberals and Conservatives, but between two entities wanting more power.
Redemption. Aurieliano shooting himself was a symbol of penance. Unrequited love is another, with a young commander killing himself because of the vanity of Remedios the Beauty. Friendship has a small role, with Aurieliano saving his friend Marquez from execution.
Character Development
Aurieliano turns from dictator into an empty shell with a small amount of dignity left. He has lost all his memories and seems just like a robot. Ursula, with the war over, is rejuvenated and makes her house a beautiful place to be.
Magical Realism
- The worms in the pot when Auriliano shoots himself.
- Ursula talking to her dead husband.
- Aurieliano's inability to die.
Ch. 10
Jose Arcadio Segundo and Aurieliano Segundo were twins who did everything the same. They had this twin sense and often displayed it. They would confuse others by switching up bracelets and clothes and called each other the opposites name. They may have, at some point, confused themselves and forgotten. The one called JAS was small and skinny like the Colonel Aurieliano, while AS was bigand strong like Jose Arcadio. But the deciding difference was when JAS wanted to see an execution, and AS wanted to read all of Melquaides books and manuscripts. JAS and AS end up having sex with the same woman, who could not tell the difference betweem the two.Eventually, AS ends up with her permanently, named Petra Coats.She mystically made animals have very fertile, so they became rich. Stinking rich to be exact. Remedios the Beauty was too beautiful, named queen. People died because of her. At a carnival, some bedouins shouted "Long live Aurieliano Buendia" and killed some people. AS saves Fernanda, who he later marries.
"Long live the Liberal Party!" the bedouins who proceeded to kill a bunch of people.
"He was a complete Simpleton." Remedios the Beauty saying to Amaranta how the young soldier killed himself because of her beauty.
Disillusionment, Aurieliano Buendia just sits in his workshop making fish scales. Confusion and difference are also themes concerning the physical and mental attributes of AS and JAS. Aurieliano's legend has yet to fully become just legend, as evidence by the bedouins.
Character Development
Remedios the Beauty is pretty much the same, doesn't develop because she doesn't need to. AS is developing into Colonel Aurieliano, as he has a desire to learn from Melquaides. Ursula is still the same. JAS is becoming a good cock fighter and somewhat of a religious man.
Remedios the Beauty and her unholy good looks.
Melquaides return, talks to AS.
Petra Coats and her ability to have animals reproduce in oustounding numbers.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Active Reading.
In Macondo is where Jose Arcadio Buendia and his family live. He helped lead the expedition that founded it. He is there with his wife/cousin Ursula Iguaran with his three kids Jose Arcadio jr., Amaranta, and Aureliano. Jose sr. is an innovative man with new ideas. He proclaimed that the world was round , but the people of his town saw him as crazy. That was until Melquaides, a gypsy, came and said his theory was true. Jose was then given a laboratory of an alchemist. He also travels to the north, but eventually declares that Macondo is surrounded by water.
"The earth is round; like an orange." p.4 Jose Arcadio Buendia, telling his theory which eventually earns him his own laboratory.
"Science has eliminated distance." Melquiades, showing off a telescope to the people.
Magical Realism
- Melquides and his two magnetized ingots.
- Jose Arcadio Buendia seeing the ice and being amazed.
solitude v. company: Jose Arcadio Buendia represents solitude, as he shows early on that he doesnt have a particular interest in his family. He takes his kids to see the ice that intrigues him, and he only cares about them if they take a particular interest in his work.
Character Development
Jose Arcadio Buendia displays his lack of interest in his children and wife and seems to become unsociable. He goes to extreme lengths for his scientific research that leads to pain to his own body, as well emotional problems for Ursula. It is the first chapter, so we will see how he develops.
Ch. 2
Ursula and Jose talk about doing the nasty. She is afraid to because her relatives have been born with genetic defects. One uncle was born with a pig's tail. Because of this, rumors were spread around the village that Jose was impotent. One day, after winning a cock fight, a man named Prudencio Aguilar made a very smart comment. Too bad it led to having spear thrown into his throat. That night, Jose came home to Ursula and they did the nasty. The death of Prudencio leads to hallucinations by Ursula and then by Jose. Eventually, he and Ursula decide to leave the village, in which they found Macondo.
Jose Arcadio Jr. sleeps with a gypsy who becomes pregnant so he runs away with her. Ursula goes searching for him and when she returns, she comes back with some more people.
"Maybe that rooster of yours can do your wife a favor." Prudencio Aguilar, the smart comment that led to him being killed by Jose Arcadio Buendia. p.21
"Just as many times as you come back, I'll kill you again." JAB talking to his hallucinationof a dead Prudencio.
Revenge is major theme because of the killing of Prudencio. Guilt is another because of the hallucinations. Incest is another because Jose has sex with his wife who is his cousin.
Magic Realism
- Ursula wearing a chasity belt.
- Prudencio hallucinations.
- Uncle's pig tails because of incest.
Character Development
You get to see the image of Jose before Macondo, and the picture that you get is that he is a strong willed man with a sense of pride and rashness, what some people call a typical male. He also has the makings of a leader because he leads an expedition that eventually leads to the founding of Macondo.
The gypsies return but not with Jose Arcadio, but with his son, so JAB names him Jose Arcadio Buendia (III) but call him Arcadio. A girl comes to live with them named Rebeca, their relative who is eleven. She eats dirt and likes clocks. They finally cure of eating dirt, but then she gets insomnia which spreads across town. Everybody starts to forget things so they have to label everything. Melquaides returns which brings back everbody's memory. Aurieliano sleeps with Pilar Ternera, then she leaves. Don Apolinar comes to town and declares himself magistrate for Macondo. He ends up leaving when Jose gets real gangsta on him.
"you may stay here, not because you have those bandits with shotguns at the door, but out of consideration for your wife." Jose Arcadio Buendia, telling Don Apolinar Moscote, the man declaring himself the magistrate of Macondo.
"Somebody is coming." Aureliano to Ursula. He was right. Their distant cousin Rebeca arrives.
I see pride as a theme because of the situation with Don Apolinar. The town also seem to be interconnected because of the whole insomnia outbreak.
Magical Realism
Rebecca and her isolate ways and eating dirt habit.
Aureliano instinctively knowing someone is coming. (Rebeca)
Everyone getting insomnia as well as forgetting things
- Melquides' return from the dead.
Character Development
Jose Arcadio Buendia shows a strong sense of pride for the town he founded. When an outsider comes to govern it, he immediately sets that person straight. He also displays a strong sense of character by not causing violence and not really persisting upon it. He realized that the man has come with his family so Jose does not make any rash decisions. He tells the guy that they live in peace and they may stay here in peace.Ch.4
Aureliano sees Remedios for the 1st time and wants to marry her but she is too young. Rebeca and Amaranta fued is ignited because of Crespi marrying Rebeca. Amaranta loves Crespi deeply. Melquaides returns, but dies. Says he learns immortality. Helps Prudencio find JAB, in which they talk for a great amount of time and actually become very good friends. Mind you, Prudencio is dead. JAB goes mad, which is apparent when he says Tuesday is Monday and yesterday was Monday too. Aureliano deciphers some thingy of Melquiades that talks of immortality.
"I've come to sleep with you." Aureliano, saying to Pilar Ternera, who did not oppose this and took him to bed. Pilar Ternera is the woman who ran away with his brother, but did not return with him.
"With so many pretty and decent girls around, the only thing that occurs to you is to get married to the daughter of our enemy." JAB speaking to Aureliano when he declars hes gonna marry Remedios Moscote, daughter of the magistrate Don Apolinar Moscote.
Forgivance, JAB becoming friends with dead Prudencio. Sibling rivalry as well with the whole Rebeca and Amaranta fued. Rebirth also seems to be one with Melquaides coming back from the dead and sharing the immortality secret.
Magical Realism
- JAB being friends with a dead man
- Melquaides and his immortality
- Aureliano and the mercury making the house never dusty
- JAB going crazy
Character Development
JAB loses his mind because of Prudencio and their intimate friendly talks. Aureliano falls deeply for Remedios, but also shows shades of his father when he deciphers Melquaides' parchment and the whole mercury exploding. Rebeca becomes fearful of Amaranta because she knows she will kill her when it comes down to Crespi.
Remedios fakes getting her period. Is set to marry a month later to Aureliano. Shows kindness to JAB by bringing him a large piece of cake while he is tied up to a chestnut tree. Father Nicanor Reyna, with chocalate levitates for everyone. JAB doesn't see it as a miracle. Nicanor tries to put faith in JAB, but JAB actually puts "different" thoughts into the Fathers head. Rebeca and Crespi are suppose to marry the same day as Aureliano and Remedios, but he is delayed when he receives a false letter saying his mother has died. Amaranta swears not to have wrote it. He decides to have the wedding the day the church is built. Amaranta tries to sabotage the wedding dress then decides to try to poison Rebeca. Remedios dies with two twins. Jose Arcadio Jr returns, with incredible size and strength. Rebeca falls deeply for him. Have sex one night and get married three days later. Crespi is heart broken but ends up falling for Amaranta. Aureliano still speaks to his father-in-law, who tells him of the Conservatives versus Liberals. Eventually, Aureliano declares himself liberal and leads the liberals in war, in which he becomes Colonel Aureliano Buendia.
"Now we shall witness an undeniable proof of the infinite power of God." Father Nicanor, displaying his power to levitate.
"You're going to be the one who will inauguratethe church with your wedding." Amaranta to Rebeca. Ama is jealous that Rebeca is marrying Pietro Crespi, who she loves deeply.
Incest, with Jose Jr and Rebeca, but they are only distant relatives. Politics is also a central themee, witht he war beginning between Conservatives and Liberals.
Magical Realism
- The priest levitating
- JAB tied to a tree talking to himself in Latin
- Jose Jr incredible strength
JAB is tied up to tree and is not really a focal point. The happenings here are with Aureliano, who is deeply affected by the death of his wife Remedios, who at the time was loved by everyone for her spirit. Rebeca falls in love with her "brother" Jose jr., leaving Crespi who eventually falls for Amaranta who loved him from the start. Amaranta adopts the son of Aureliano and Remedios as penance for wanting to kill Rebeca the way Remedios died. Aureliano also develops into a main figure when he speaks to his father-in-law who is a conservative. Aureliano considers himself a Liberal, which are at war with Conservatives. He eventually becomes Colonel Aureliano, changing from simple man to a military leader.
Ch. 6
Aureliano led 32 uprisings which all failed. Had seventeen children with 17 different women and all were executed. He survived 14 attempts on his life, 73 ambushes, and a firing squad. Jose (III) becomes leader of Macondo, and declares alot of ubsurd decrees. He is eventually overthrown when Ursula beats him with a whip when he goes to kill Don Apolinar. She beats him so badly that everyone sees her as the ruler, so she gets rid of all the decrees and restores order. Amaranta declines Crespis offer for marriage. He goes crazy and kills himself. Jose jr. gets a mistress named Santa Sofia, who he gets pregnant, so he marrys her. He is killed when leading an army.
"I dare you to, bastard." Ursual to Arcadio. She then whips him for trying to kill Don Apolinar Moscote.
"Dont be so simple" Amaranta to Crespi. She decides not to marry him. He goes crazy and kills himself.
Tyranny versus liberty: Aureliano is fighting for the liberals and Ursula is able to free Macondo of Arcadio rule. Unrequited love is another with the situation with Amaranta and Crespi.
Magical Realism
- Crespi sings one day and everyone notices except the woman he loves.
Character Development
Amaranta seems like a cold hearted woman with no intentions to be happy. Ursula weeps for the dead Crespi because of his kindness. Arcadio is a tyrant, and shows that Ursula was unable to raise him as their son. Jose jr. takes care of his mistress, including getting her a house. Decides to lead an army but is executed.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Crazy ol' Jose: Reflection

In Ch.1, Jose Arcadio Buendia shows his innovative thoughts when he, at dinner time, explains to his familia that the "earth is round, like an orange." The reaction of his wife/cousin Ursula displays the time period because she tells him to "go crazy all by yourself." The men of the village felt the same way, believing he had lost his wits when he told them that they could return to where they had set out by continually traveling east. His intelligence was praised though by Melquiades, who said his theory had already been proven true. For his genius, Jose was given a laboratory for an alchemist. This makes me extremely happy, as his ideas will no doubt play a role in this story. He is a man ahead of his time, and his traits so far make for an interesting tale to tell. He shows that he does not particularly care for his family. His character development wil be interesting to see, as I hopefully see him develop from a pompus, selfish, genius into a caring, intelligent father.